J-PLUS Data Release DR1
The J-PLUS First Data Release (July 2018) (J-PLUS-DR1) comprises 511 J-PLUS fields observed in twelve optical bands amounting to 1022deg2. J-PLUS DR1 is based on images collected from November 2015 to January 2018 by the JAST80 telescope.
Detailed information of the data release in this DR1 can be found here.
For a list of known issues and particular aspects of the data that should be kept in mind, please follow this link.
Finally, for quick access to the archive and the User's Manual, you can use the following links.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Added Photometric Calibration with Stellar and White Dwarf Loci (SWDL). Please, readDATA ACCESS: https://archive.cefca.es/catalogues/jplus-dr1
DATA ACCESS MANUAL: Download manual here
GLOBAL MASKS: https://archive.cefca.es/catalogues/vo/siap/jplus-dr1/get_global_masks (only registered users)
Total area covered | 1022 deg2 (~900 deg2 after masking) |
Image size | 9500x9500 pixels (~2 deg2) |
Image pixel scale | 0.555 arcsec |
Total number of fields | 511 |
Number of objects in dual catalogue | ~13.4 million (~8.4 million with MAG_AUTO(rSDSS)≤21) |
Number of detections in single catalogue | ~92.6 million |
Images Total Size (compressed) | ~600 GB |
Catalogue Database Size | ~120 GB |
Photo-z's PDFs Total Size | ~40 GB |
Data Summary
The sky coverage of the J-PLUS DR1 is shown as red in Figure 1. The total non-overlapped and non-masked area is ~900 deg2 with around 9 million sources at r < 21.
In Figure 2 we show the distribution of values of FWHM and axis ratio of the PSF of all the r band coadded images. The median value of 1.13" corresponds to ~2pixels, given the plate scale and pixel size.
Figure 3 shows the distribution of limiting magnitudes (3", 3σ). The vertical dotted lines marks the target limiting magnitude of the survey. The presence of secondary peaks is due to a change in the survey strategy (see Section Survey Strategy for more details).
Science Pieces