Ancillary data
This section gathers a collection of ancillary data that complements the J-PLUS photometric images and catalogues presented here. This ancillary data can be based on a particular analysis of J-PLUS images, so will not be accessible as Value Added Catalogues in the ADQL database. This includes, for example, the detailed photometric study of large, nearby galaxies or the construction of galaxy mocks.

The spatial distribution of galaxies in a thin angular slice (1 deg) inside our mock lightcone. Each galaxy with Mstellar > 1010 M⊙/h is shown as a black dot.
Photometric surveys have been important in establishing our current understanding of how galaxies were formed and evolve. Synthetic galaxy catalogues are crucial to optimally exploit their data, in particular for the case of photometric surveys that combine broad-band and narrow-band filters. J-PLUS has the unique feature of combining 5 broad and 7 medium band filters, tailored mocks have been built to help to exploit all the information contained in the data.
We explore the region of the M81/M82/NGC3077 triplet with imaging from J-PLUS DR2 and develop a tailored classification scheme to search for GC candidates based on their similarity to known GCs via a principal PCA projection. We report 642 new GC candidates around the triplet and rank them according to their Gaia astrometric proper motions.
We have studied the star formation main sequence, the Hα luminosity function, the stellar mass function and the star formation rate density at d < 75 Mpc using a sample of 756 local galaxies with Hα emission and without nuclear activity selected in the 897.4 deg2 surveyed by J-PLUS DR1.

Lyman-α emitting candidate selecetd for its narrow-band excess in the J0395 filter and confirmed as a z=2.20 quasar via spectroscopic follow-up at the GTC telescope.
The wide area probed by J-PLUS and the multi narrow-band nature of the survey, allow to look for very bright (Lyα luminosity > 1043.5 erg s-1) and rare (number density < 10-5 Mpc-3) Lyα-emitting sources at z>2. This page stores the catalogs of Lyα-emitting candidates selected with J0395, J0410, J0430 and J0515 J-PLUS NBs. These lists were obtained as described in Spinoso et al. (2020) and were used to compute the Lyα luminosity function at z=2.2, z=2.4, z=2.5 and z=3.2.
The Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) has obtained precise photometry in twelve specially designed filters for large numbers of Galactic stars. Deriving their precise stellar atmospheric parameters and individual elemental abundances is crucial for studies of Galactic structure, and the assembly history and chemical evolution of our Galaxy. We have estimated stellar parameters (effective temperature, Teff , surface gravity, log g, and metallicity, [Fe/H]), [α/Fe], and four elemental abundances ([C/Fe], [N/Fe], [Mg/Fe], and [Ca/Fe]) by a set of cost-sensitive neural networks (CSNet) from recalibrated J-PLUS DR1.