T80Cam integrated at the JAST80
The scientific instrument for the JAST80 telescope, T80Cam, has been successfully installed at the Cassegrain focus of the JAST80 telescope of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (CEFCA).
After the assembly, verification and test phase performed at the CEFCA’s laboratory (Teruel), the T80Cam was shipped to the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre late December 2014. Once received at the OAJ, the system was reassembled and tested again and, finally, the camera was installed on the JAST80 telescope on January 27, 2015.
JAST80 is a 0.82m, F#4.5 telescope that has an approximate mass of 2500 kg, and supports instruments of up to 80 kg at 25cm from the mounting flange.
This important milestone represents the kick-of point for a new phase in which the OAJ engineering team will perform the T80Cam fine alignment and final set up of the instrument, a necessary step before the instrument is ready to start scientific operation.